Friday, September 19, 2014

  • Acorns
  • Ribbon
  • Hot Glue Gun
  • Bells 
  • Scissors

Step 1: Using your hot glue gun, put glue in the ‘hat’ of the acorn 2: Place the acorn cap on top of the bell
Step 3: Cut ribbon to desired length, and attach middle of the ribbon to the top of the acorn hat, with the hot glue gun
Step 4: Tie the ends of the ribbon together, creating a knot.
Step 5: Use as decorations or ornaments
Create these cute little guys by using a pinecone, wiggle eyes, paper, and pipe cleaners! Get a full tutorial on how to make these at (#6 on the slide show)

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

20 Fun Fall Crafts

Hello everyone! Exciting news! I just published my first crafting book on Amazon! Full of step by step pictures, this is a great book for fall crafting! Check it out on amazon at

Acorn Owl

Now that you know how to prepare acorns for decorating, lets to something with them!
Get ready to make a super cute acorn owl.
  • Yellow Paper 
  • White Crayon
  • Hot Glue Gun 
  • Scissors 
  • Acorns
  • Wiggle Eyes
  • Brown paper
Step 1: Cut out small tear shapes for the wings
Step 2: Using the white crayon, draw feathers on the wings
Step 3: Cut a small triangle out of yellow cardstock paper for the beak
Step 4: Glue eyes, wings, and beak onto acorn

Preparing acorns

Many of us gather acorns to craft with, but how many of you know how to properly prepare them? I must admit, I did not know until last week! Check out this great article to find out how Clean and dry acorns for decorating

Monday, September 15, 2014

I love using these to decorate my house! I hang them from the ceiling during the fall season. :)
  • Twine
  • Leaf
  • Pen
  • Scissors 
  • Paper Crimper
  • Cardstock paper
Step 1: Using your pen, trace the leaf onto cardstock paper.
Step 2: Cut out the outline of your leaf with your scissors.
Step 3: Using your hole punch, punch a hole into the leaf
Step 4: Put your leaf through the paper crimper
Step 5: Thread twine through the hole, and tie a knot at the end. Hang from ceiling, or use as a tag.

Cardboard Owl

Had to share this cute craft! Make these decorative owls out of cardboard! These look like decorations you could buy at a store! Find out how to make these at

Saturday, September 13, 2014


This is such a cute fall craft! Have fun with your kids, and celebrate the autumn season!
Check out the full tutorial on how to make this

Friday, September 12, 2014

Hand Print Tree

This Craft comes

This is a perfect fall craft for toddlers!  Make a fun handprint tree that your child can display in their room! Get instructions on how to make it here! 

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Fancy Fall Leaves

This craft comes from
These fall leaves are fun and unique! But I bet you will never guess how they got that design! Find out here! 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

This craft comes from
It is harvesting season! Celebrate this fun time of year by making apple ornaments for your tree! 
Find out how to make it here!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Leaf shapes

This craft comes
Many of us have gathered fall leaves before, but this year, gather leaves in a completely new unique way! Using a hole punch, punch a shape out of your leaf, and then press them in a book to dry! 

Monday, September 8, 2014

Paper Pulp Leaves

This craft comes from

This craft looks so much fun, I can't wait to try it this year!  It brings a whole new meaning to making paper leaves! Make these leaves using paper pulp! Find out how to do it here

Fall Time Lanterns

Winter is on it's way here in Utah! And with the fall season comes the dark evenings. Light up the night with Fall Lanterns! Ingeniously created by the

Make sure to check out their website, and find out how to make these fun lanterns! 

File Folder games (popular in preschool)

Hello everyone! I am so excited to announce a new project I have been working on... file folder games! Not only can you put these games together with your kids, but they can play with them time and time again, learning all the while! 
I have posted a couple of these games for purchase on etsy, (get the link here) But before I post more, I want to know if you are interested. If you see any games that are not posted to etsy that you would like to purchase, leave a comment below and let me know! Also, make sure to check back, because I am going to be making seasonal file folder games every month.  
Thanks everyone!
~ Heather Rigby
P.S. I appreciate you! I am so grateful you have taken time to look at my website! So, to say thank you, I am including a FREE file folder game download! Head on over to my website and download it now.
Download link:

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Pumpkin Spice Playdough

One of my favorite things about the fall season is the smells that come with it. Make some sweet smelling home-made pumpkin spice playdough! Check it out at
They have a great step by step tutorial on how to make it, and has a fun fall activity you can do with the playdough as well!

Folded leaves

I can't get over how cute these leaves are! They are so detailed, and yet so simple to do!

Find out how to make these here

Tin Foil Leaves

This is absolutely ingenious. Not only is this a fun fall craft, but it also makes a beautiful art project! Can you guess how to make it? Let me give you a clue. Tin foil + leaves. Find out

Painted Leaf

This craft comes from
This is a fun (messy) craft that kids will love! Create painted prints of leaves you find outside!
Get the full tutorial on how to make this neat project here