Saturday, August 15, 2015

Another idea for an evening party

Glow in the dark bowling

Need another outside evening game? Go bowling!

Glow Stick Lights

One of the best parts about Summer is staying up late! Make these beautiful lights, and spend an evening outside!

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Kinetic sand has been all the rage this Summer, but you can make your own to play with! Get creating now, and make your Tuesday memorable!

Monday, August 10, 2015

Rainbow Bubbles

Let's start our Monday of Last week laughs with something everyone loves... Bubbles! Make a tub of rainbow bubbles that kids will enjoy for hours on end!

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Last weeks of summer crafts

School is just around the corner! Here in Utah, there is only one more week of Summer! Make the last week of Summer epic with a week full of crafts!

Friday, August 7, 2015

Pool noodle ring toss

It's Friday! Turn on the sprinklers, and play a game of pool noodle ring toss!

Friday, July 17, 2015

Shell animals

How many of you are going to the beach this summer? Whenever we go, we always bring home bags of shells. Sometimes it is hard knowing what to do with them all! Here is a super cute craft that will give you something to do with your shells!

Make this craft using:

  • A Shell
  • Hot glue gun
  • Wiggle Eyes
  • Fun Foam

Have fun!  
This craft comes from

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Dragonfly Nature Craft

As a kid, I loved creating projects out of things found in nature. This project can be done with green maple seeds, or dried one. Just break out the acrylic paint, and get crafting!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Flower Pot Whale

This craft is really cute! Perfect for a beach project with the kids. 

Create this cute whale using:

A flower pot
Wiggle eyes
Blue fun foam 
Blue Acrylic Paint
White pipe cleaners 
Silver Beads

Put your project together using a hot glue, and enjoy!

This project came from:

Monday, July 13, 2015

Ready for some water crafts?

After spending a full month in Arizona, I am so ready to make some water crafts!
Let me tell you, nothing makes you appreciate water more then when you are in 120 
degree weather! 

(The temperature at 8:30 at night)

So, in honor of the crazy people who live in Arizona (We love you guys!)
Here are the 5 best water crafts of the Summer! 

#1 PVC Pipe Car Wash 

This craft is Awesome! Go from normal sprinklers to this cool PVC 'car wash'

Get the complete tutorial on how to make this at

#2 PVC Water Gun

You guessed it! We LOVE crafting with PVC pipe here at Mommy's Little Crafters.

These make some seriously awesome guns. Get the instructions a

#3 Pool Noodle Lightsaber

Who doesn't love Star Wars? As a kid, I have many fond memories of dueling my brother with light sabers. Had we of known of this craft, we would have spent many happy hours outside playing with them. These are great for parties!

Get a tutorial on how to make these at

#4 Sail Boat Pool Noodles 

Pool accessories always make swimming more fun. But why buy them when you can make fun boats like these? Kids will have a blast with these boats.
Find out how to make them at

#5 Floating Cooler

What a good idea this is! I would never have thought of it. You could also use this to store pool toys in. Find out how to make this at

Do you have any better water crafts? Which one was your favorite? Let us know by commenting below!

Monday, May 25, 2015

5 Best end of the Year Gift Ideas for school


#1 This Year "Flew" By Frisbee 

This Year flew by frisbee!
Check it out at

#2 Sponge Balls 

A perfect gift to start the Summer!

Sidewalk Chalk Chalk

"I hope your summer is chalk full of fun!"

Beach Ball

"Have a ball this summer!"


"Have a Kool summer!"

Friday, May 15, 2015

Fireworks in a jar

Here is a funky craft for Friday! Make fireworks in a jar!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Oil painting

This is a cute painting project that the kids will love!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015


This craft is beautiful and easy to do! Create a sun catcher with your kids!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Hot Air Balloon

This is such a cute craft! Make a spinning hot air balloon!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Friday, May 1, 2015

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

I am back!

Hello everyone! I apologize for not posting on the blog yesterday, I was getting braces!
I have to say, I am SOOO excited! I have always wanted braces. Have any of you had braces? If so, please share your advice and tips!

Friday, April 24, 2015

Painted Flowers

Got a stalk of celery lying around? Let your kids use it to paint flowers!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Hand print art!

I am a big fan of hand painting! I always loved doing it as a kid!
Here are a couple fun hand painting ideas!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Monday, April 20, 2015

Bread dough roses

This crafting method never cases to amaze me! Make a play dough out of bread, glue, and paint!

Craft of the week

Tissue Paper Flower

Material List

  • Pipe Cleaner (green)
  • Tissue Paper
  • Needle
  • Egg Carton
  • Scissor



Thursday, April 16, 2015

Graduation Gift Idea

How many of you know someone who is graduating this year? Here is a cute, fun graduation gift that looks professional, but is easy to do! Check it out!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Plastic Bottle Fish- Spring Crafts

Here is a fun craft for you today! Use your old plastic water bottles to make a fish!

Monday, April 13, 2015

Dirt Dough!

Alright guys, this craft is awesome! I am 21 years old, and I am already heading for the baking soda. Dirt dough, made from baking soda, food coloring, and water. Check it out!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Chocolate dipped Pretzels (valentines day)

Chocolate dipped pretzels are a great treat for any occasion, but they are especially cute on valentines day! Brightly colored and delicious, these are a great treat to make for yourself, or for others! Kids  will also have a blast making them!

Get instructions on how to make these at:

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Gold fish Valentine.. alternative for candy

Hello everyone! I hope you are having a fantastic day! Today I wanted to share another cute valentine idea for kids. This one is awesome, because it is a great alternative to buying candy. Not only is it a great idea, but the folks at Frugal Coupon Living has created a free printable to go with it!

Make sure to check it out at:

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Valentines Day Cupcakes!

If you find yourself wanting to send out a different treat for Valentines day then the usual store bought candy, this might be the treat for you! Easy and simple, these Valentines day cupcakes are perfect for friend and neighbor gifts, as well as treats to send your kids to school with. So get out your apron, gather the kids, and have fun making these awesome cupcakes! 

Get the instructions here:

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

What to get your boyfriend / husband for Valentines day

How many of you women out there have no clue what to get your sweetheart for Valentines day? Every year I struggle to try to figure out what to get my man. Well recently I have come across an amazing craft that is perfect for any man! (what man does not like money?)

If you have mad skill with paper crafting, check out this project! Even though it looks hard, it is actually not too complicated, so give it a try!!!

Comment below and let me know how it goes!

Get the instructions at:

Monday, January 19, 2015

Pencil Valentines

Valentines day is getting closer! And it is time to start thinking about what you are going to do for this special day! 

After searching on the internet for valentines day crafts, I have decided to kick off the next few weeks of valentines day crafts with an adorable project... these simple, but cute Valentines arrows. 

I found this craft at All you need is a pencil, paper, scissors and glue! Even at 20 years old, I know I am going to be making these! ^_^

We are back!

Hello all you fellow crafters! It has been quite a while since our last post, but I am happy to say, we are back! For the last couple of months I have been spending my time traveling! (one of my greatest passions aside from crafting) But now I am back, and am ready to provide you with more crafts!  So here is to a crafty new year!