Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Covered wagon

Quill and ink

Friday, July 11, 2014

Citronella Candle

Image from www.pinterest.com
  • Mason jars
  • 100% cotton rope
  • Citronella oil
  • Hammer
  • Nail
Step 1: Hammer a hole in the middle of the Mason Jar Lid using the nail
Step 2: Cut a piece of rope (long enough to coil in the bottom of the jar, and come out the top)
Step 3: Put tape around the top of the rope (to make it easier to get through the lid)
Step 4: Pull about 3 inches of rope up through the bottom of the lid
Step 5: cut off the tape
Step 6: Pour citronella oil into the jar (fill about 1/4 of the way full)
Step 7: Make sure rope is at the bottom of the jar, and twist lid on
Step 6: Wait 15 minutes for oil to soak into the rope
Step 7: Light your candle and enjoy!

Colonial Flag

This craft comes from www.pinterest.comSupplies
  • 11 Popsicle sticks
  • Blue Acrylic paint
  • Red Acrylic Paint
  • White Acrylic Paint
  • Stars
  • Red Ribbon
  • Glue
  • Paper stars

Step 1: Using your red acrylic paint, paint 3 Popsicle sticks red
Step 2: Using your white acrylic paint, paint 3 Popsicle sticks white
Step 3: Paint 3 Popsicle sticks half red, half blue
Step 4: Paint 2 Popsicle sticks half white half blue
Step 3: Set out 2 pieces of ribbon vertically
Step 4: Glue top of Popsicle sticks to one of the ribbons, and the bottom to the other (horizontally)
Step 5: Continue step 4 until flag is finished
Step 6: Glue 13 paper stars into a circle shape (on top of blue part of flag)
Step 7: Tie the ends of the ribbon together, creating place to hang the flag from

Pioneer Day

Hello everyone! As some of you may know, pioneer day is coming up! Pioneer day is a Utah holiday (on July 24) in which we celebrate the first set of pioneers who made it to Salt Lake valley. Well I thought it would be fun if we spent the month celebrating the 'olden days'. Not only pioneers, but Native Americans, Mountain Men, and people living in the 1800s. Every day, I will be posting an 'Olden Day' (that is what my sisters call it) craft, so keep your eye out for them! Let me know if you know any good crafts! I would love to hear your ideas!

~ Heather Rigby

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Sand Castle kit

Alright Mom's, this is a must do if you are going to the beach. Create
a Sand Castle kit for your kids! This is such a great idea, and a MUST
SEE. Check out how to put one together at

Cocktail Umbrella

  • Card Stock 
  • Hole punch
  • Scissors
  • Bead
  • Bamboo skewer
  • Hot glue gun 

Step 1: Cut a 4 inch circle
Step 2: Cut a slit from the outside of the circle to the middle of the circle
Step 3: Form the umbrella into a cone shape, glue into place
Step 4: Hole punch design around the base of the umbrella
Step 5: Using your bamboo skewer, hot glue the bead to the top of the umbrella 
Step 6: Using your hot glue gun, glue the bamboo skewer to the inside of the umbrella
Step 7: Cut the bamboo skewer to desired length 

Photo in a Bottle

  • Glass jar with lid
  • Sea Shells
  • Fine white Sand 
  • Photo 
  • Hot Glue 
  • Scissors 
  • Clear fishing wire 
Step 1: Fill the bottom of the glass jar with fine sand
Step 2: Place seashells into desired positions
Step 3: Glue or tape fishing wire to the photo
Step 4: Hot glue or tape the other side of the fishing wire to the top of the lid
Step 5: Screw the lid onto the jar. Enjoy your photo jar!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Clothespin Dragonfly

This crafts comes from 
  • Clothespin
  • Acrylic paint (2 colors)
  • Wiggle eyes
  • 2 mini Popsicle sticks
  • Glue
  • Step 1: Using your first color of acrylic paint, paint the clothes pin
    Step 2: Using your second color of acrylic paint, paint your Popsicle sticks
    Step 3: Make an X with your Popsicle sticks, and glue them together.
    Step 4: Glue X to the middle of the clothespin
    Step 5: Glue wiggle eyes to the front of the clothespin
    Enjoy your dragonfly!

Bottle flowers

This image comes www.pinterest.com

  • Soda bottle
  • Puffy Paint
  • Ribbon
  • Scissors

Step 1: Cut off the bottom of the soda bottle 
Step 2: Decorate bottoms with puffy paint
Step 3: Make a hole in the top of the 'flower'
Step 4: Thread ribbon through the hole

Hawaiian Leis

This craft comes from 

  • Large Flower Punch
  • Card stock
  • Yarn
  • Hole punch
  • Straws
  • Scissors

Step 1: Cut your straw into 1 inch pieces
Step 2: Punch out flowers out of cardstock 
Step 3: Cut yarn to desired length 
Step 4: Thread flowers and straw pieces into desired pattern.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Cardboard octopus

This craft comes from laughingkidslearn.com

  • Blue acrylic paint
  • Yellow acrylic paint
  • Paintbrush
  • Wiggle eyes 
  • Scissors
  • Toilet paper roll
  • Glue

Step 1: Using your yellow acrylic paint, paint the toilet paper roll yellow
Step 2: Once the paint is dry. paint spots on the octopus using your blue acrylic paint
Step 3: Cut the bottom of the toilet paper roll into strips to make the tentacles
Step 4: Glue the wiggle eyes into place

Clothespin Fans

This craft comes krokotak.com
  • Colored paper
  • 1 Clothes pin
  • 1 Small rubber band
  • Glue 
  • Scissors

  • Step 1: Cut a strip of paper lengthwise (about 1/3 of the paper)
    Step 2: Fold the paper accordion style 
    Step 3: Take your clothespin apart, so that you are left with both wood pieces
    Step 4: Using the small rubber band, attach the two pieces together
    Step 5: Glue the ends of the folded paper to each of the clothespins

    *If you are having trouble attaching the clothespin pieces together with the rubber band, you can hot glue them together*

Lava Lamp

Have you ever wanted to create your own lava lamp? I was looking at crafts, and found this one on the Huffington post.
This is so neat, I just had to share it! It is a lot of fun for kids!

Check out the tutorial on how to make this craft at


Paint Sampler Notebook

  • 2 wood paint samples (you can get these for free at Lowes)
  • 1 piece of card stock paper
  • 2 beads
  • 1 piece of string or ribbon
  • scissors
  • glue 
  • Metallic scrap booking embellishment (or stickers)
  • Lined paper
  • Hole punch

  • Step 1: Cut out a small rectangular piece of card stock
    Step 2: Glue card stock to one of the wood paint samplers
    Step 3: Glue embellishment on top of card stock
    Step 4: Trace the shape of the paint sampler onto lined paper
    Step 5: Cut out lined paper (this will be the paper for your notebook)
    Step 6: Using your hole punch, punch a hole in the top of your paper (make sure that it lines up with the hole in the paper sampler)
    Step 7: Once you have the paper cut out, place paper in between both paint samplers (make sure the decorated side of the paint sampler is on the outside)
    Step 8: String the ribbon through the paint samplers and paper, creating a necklace
    Step 9: Place a bead on each string
    Step 10: Tie ends of strings together to form a necklace
    Enjoy your new mini notebook!

Monday, July 7, 2014

5 Best Summer Water Crafts

Hello everyone! I hope you are enjoying your Summer! I have a fun post for you today! After doing lots of looking on Pintrest, I have come up with the top 5 water crafts you can do this Summer!

#1 PVC Pipe Car Wash 

This craft is Awesome! Go from normal sprinklers to this cool PVC 'car wash'

Get the complete tutorial on how to make this at

#2 PVC Water Gun

You guessed it! We LOVE crafting with PVC pipe here at Mommy's Little Crafters.
These make some seriously awesome guns. Get the instructions a

#3 Pool Noodle Lightsaber

Who doesn't love Star Wars? As a kid, I have many fond memories of dueling my brother with light sabers. Had we of known of this craft, we would have spent many happy hours outside playing with them. These are great for parties!

Get a tutorial on how to make these at

#4 Sail Boat Pool Noodles 

Pool accessories always make swimming more fun. But why buy them when you can make fun boats like these? Kids will have a blast with these boats.
Find out how to make them at

#5 Floating Cooler

What a good idea this is! I would never have thought of it. You could also use this to store pool toys in. Find out how to make this at

How did you like this article? Which one was your favorite? Let us know by commenting below!

Pool Noodle Boat

This craft comes fromwww.raisingwildones.com
  • Pool Noodle (without hole)
  • Duck tape
  • Scissors
  • Toothpick

Step 1: Cut pool noodle into 3 inch pieces
Step 2: Get a piece of duck tape and fold in half (so both sticky parts are on the inside)
Step 3: Cut a triangle out of folded duck tape
Step 4: Duck tape triangle to toothpick
step 5: Stick the toothpick inside the pool noodle circle (if you want it more secure, enforce it using hot glue)

Enjoy your new boat!

Friday, July 4, 2014

  • Frame
  • Round 'doughnut' beads
  • Hot glue gun
  • Black spray paint

Step 1: Using your hot glue gun, glue beads onto picture frame in desired pattern
Step 2:  Using your spray paint, paint the frame black
Happy Independence Day America! Need something to do while waiting for fireworks? Check out this cute craft. I have to admit, it took me forever to figure out, but after lot of research, if found out how to do it! Enjoy!
~ Heather Rigby

  • Red or blue ribbon (at least 20 inches)
  • Scissors
  • Tape 
  • Metal Washers 

Step 1: Cut desired length of ribbon
Step 2: put tape on the end of the ribbon (so the ribbon does not frey)
Step 3: Thread your ribbon up through your first washer. (pull washer near the end of the ribbon)
Step 4: Thread your ribbon down through your second washer.
Step 5: Thread your ribbon down through the first washer (pull tight)
Step 6: Thread your ribbon up through your second washer
Step 7: Repeat until you have desired number of washers

If you want to watch a step by step video on how to do this, go here

Thursday, July 3, 2014

4th of July Wands

Independence day is just around the corner! 4th of July is one of my favorite holidays! And the best thing about holidays is the  crafting that comes with it! Celebrate the 4th by making these crafts with your kids!

This image comes from www.pinterest.com
Bamboo Skewer
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Ribbon
  • Downloadable Star Print out (Get it here)

Step 1: Print out 4th of July Star Download
Step 2: Cut out the Stars
Step 3: Glue a bamboo skewer to the back of one of the stars
Step 4: Glue the remaining star (face side up) to the back of the 1st star
Step 5: Tie a ribbon to the Bamboo Skewer

Patriotic Paper Chain

  • Scissors 
  • Glue
  • Paper Chain Printout (Get it here)

Step 1: Print out Paper Chain Download
Step 2: Cut out the colored strips
Step 3: Glue the ends of the first strip together to form a loop 
Step 4: Put the second piece of paper through the first loop, and glue the ends together
Step 5: Repeat step 4 Until you have the desired length 

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Popsicle Stick Firework

This craft comes from www.thesuburbanmom.com


  • 3 Popsicle sticks
  • Red acrylic paint
  • White acrylic paint
  • Blue acrylic paint
  • Glue
  • Glitter
  • String

Step 1: Glue your Popsicle sticks red, with, and blue
Step 2: While the paint is still wet, sprinkle glitter onto it
Step 3: Glue 2 Popsicle sticks into an X
Step 4: Glue last Popsicle stick in the middle of the X
Step 5: Tie a long string to the middle of the stick

4th of July Bottle Cap wreath

This craft comes from

  • Red, white, blue bottle caps
  • Scissors
  • Hot glue gun

Step 1: Cut out the middle of the paper plate
Step 2: Using your hot glue gun, glue bottle caps to the paper plate
Step 3: Repeat step 2 until you have desired amount of bottle caps.

4th of July Rocket cracker

This Craft comes from www.marthastewart.com


  • Toilet Paper Roll
  • Patterned card stock paper
  • Red Card stock Paper
  • White tissue paper
  • Candy
  • Tape
  • Glue
  • String 

Step 1: Cut out a rectangle of tissue paper (about 8-by-5 1/2-inch)
Step 2: Glue the tissue paper to the bottom of the toilet paper roll
Step 3: Tie the end of the tissue paper with the string
Step 4: Roll patterned paper around the toilet paper roll and glue the ends (cover the tissue paper glued to the roll)
Step 4: Cut out a fan shape out of your red cardstock
Step 5:Fold a cone shape out of your red card stock
Step 6: fill toilet paper roll with candy
Step 7: tape cone to the top of the toilet paper roll

*Tug on the bottom of the tissue paper, and release the candy!*

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

4th of July Lantern

Create a fun 4th of July Lantern! Your kids will love the light patterns this craft creates when you put a candle into it!

  • Glass Jar
  • Red accent marbles
  • White accent marbles
  • Blue accent marbles
  • Ribbon
  • Hot glue gun 
  • Scissors
  • American Flag Tag  (get here)
  • Small Candle
Step 1: Using your hot glue gun, glue accent marbles in desired pattern on your glass jar
Step 2: Once marbles are in place, tie a ribbon into a bow, and tie around the top of the glass jar (you can hot glue ribbon to help it stay into place)
Step 3: Print out American Flag tag, and cut it out
Step 4: Glue tag to the ribbon
Step 5: Place your candle inside the jar.
Step 6: Light your candle to create a fun 4th of July lantern! 

Word Magnets

  • Small Tile (you can purchase this at the hardware store)
  • Word Sticker 
  • Hot glue gun 
  • Magnet 

Step 1: Place your word sticker onto the small tile
Step 2: Using your hot glue gun, glue magnet to the back of your tile
Step 3: Enjoy your new magnet!