Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy Independence Day America! Need something to do while waiting for fireworks? Check out this cute craft. I have to admit, it took me forever to figure out, but after lot of research, if found out how to do it! Enjoy!
~ Heather Rigby

  • Red or blue ribbon (at least 20 inches)
  • Scissors
  • Tape 
  • Metal Washers 

Step 1: Cut desired length of ribbon
Step 2: put tape on the end of the ribbon (so the ribbon does not frey)
Step 3: Thread your ribbon up through your first washer. (pull washer near the end of the ribbon)
Step 4: Thread your ribbon down through your second washer.
Step 5: Thread your ribbon down through the first washer (pull tight)
Step 6: Thread your ribbon up through your second washer
Step 7: Repeat until you have desired number of washers

If you want to watch a step by step video on how to do this, go here

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