Monday, August 4, 2014

Notebook shirt

  • White T-shirt 
  • Red fabric paint
  • blue fabric paint 
  • cardboard 
  • foam brush 
  • Folder
Step 1: Put cardboard on the inside of the shirt, so the paint does not seep through to the other side
Step 2:  brush  blue paint on the folded part of your folder
Step 3: Using the folder as a stamp, press down painted part of your folder *horizontally* down onto your shirt *this should make the first line*Step 4: Repeat step number 3 until you have desired number of lines on your shirt.
Step 5: Using your foam brush, line the folded part of your folder with red paint
Step 6: Press down the painted side of your folder *vertically* down on your shirt. *this should make the margin line on the left side of the paper*
Step 7: Let your shirt dry 

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