Friday, June 20, 2014

CD Fish

Recycle, and make this fun craft at the same time!  Many of us have old CD's lying around ( I know I do!) , Instead of throwing them away, make this cute craft! This is the perfect craft to do with your kids, and free up some room!

This craft comes from
  • 2 CD
  • Card stock paper (whatever color you want)
  • String
  • Elmer's Glue (or hot glue gun)
  • Two wiggle eyes
  • Acrylic jewels
Step 1: Take piece of string (this will be used to hang the fish) and glue to the front of one of your CD's (non shiny side)
Step 2: After glue attaching the string is dry, Take both CD's and glue them together (make sure the shiny part is on the outside)
Step 3: Glue wiggle eyes to both CD's. Line them up on both sides
Step 4: Glue acrylic jewels to your CD fish
Step 5: Cut out tail, lip, and fin shapes out of your card stock paper
Step 6: glue lips, fins, and tail to the CD

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